Pine Tree Wrestling League (Middle School Wrestling)
Regional Championships   March 24, 2007

Underlined wrestler went on to win League Championship   *   Returning League Champion


1. Zach Stevens (Sugg)
2. Tommy Goodwin (Mt Ararat)
3. Teran Booth (Nokomis)
4. Matt Mcinnis (Monmouth)
Alt: Alex Lemay (Mtn Valley)


1. Calan Bragg (HAL)
2. Gary Stevens (Morse)
3. Jordan Lord (Bucksport)
4. Evan Drinkwater (Troy Howard)
Alt: Hunter Baughman (Medomak)


1. Brett Whittemore (Dirigo)
2. Jacob Kenney (Mt Ararat)
3. David Moore (Sugg)
4. Jonathan Crocker (Nokomis)
Alt: ---


1. Coleman Powers (HAL)
2. Brent Waterman (Troy Howard)
3. Anthony Sprigg (Brewer)
4. Todd Anderson (Camden-Rockport)
Alt: Braydon Beardsley (Ellsworth)


1. Daniel DelGallo (Gardiner)
2. Jared Jensen (Brunswick)
3. Pat Mcinnis (Monmouth)
4. Robert Worthley (Mtn Valley)
Alt: ---


1. Tom Cassidy (Camden-Rockport)
2. Jordan Hill (Troy Howard)
3. Josh Dean (HAL)
4. Shawn Sprague (Rockland)
Alt: Marissa Sprigg (Brewer)


1. Forrest Cornell (Sugg)
2. TJ Barter (Mt Ararat)
3. Ryan Lemay (Dirigo)
4. Eric Coulombe (Monmouth)
Alt: Ryan Pelletier (Augusta)


1. Qasey Perry (Brewer)
2. Max Bragg (Camden-Rockport)
3. Jordan Young (Troy Howard)
4. Thomas Boynton (Rockland)
Alt: Isaac Young (HAL)


1. Ryan Burgess (Mtn Valley)
2. Caleb Hall (Dirigo)
3. Malcolm Marshall (Mt Ararat)
4. Keith Madore (Oak Hill)
Alt: Brad McCollette (Gardiner)


1. Joey Brann (Medomak)
2. Alanna Gray (Bucksport)
3. Tristan Leidinger (HAL)
4. Kyle Monahan (Camden-Rockport)
Alt: Chapin Lamont (Troy Howard) 

105 WEST

1. Mike McNamara (Sugg)
2. Bryan Blackman (Dirigo)
3. Craig Morrill (Oak Hill)
4. Chris Cromwell (Mt Ararat)
Alt: Tia White (Mtn Valley)

105 EAST

1. John Seekins (Troy Howard)
2. Drew Bryant (CLAW)
3. Nick Linscott (Camden-Rockport)
4. Dakota Summers (HAL)
Alt; Kenny Dyer (Bucksport)

111 WEST

1. Matt Nicholson (Sugg)
2. Ethan Bradley (Mtn Valley)
3. Derek True (Mt Ararat)
4. Olivia Lebrecque (Oak Hill)
Alt: ---

111 EAST

1. Jacob Powers (HAL)
2. Rico Borzoni (Troy Howard)
3. Devan Clark (CLAW)
4. Taylor Olsen (Medomak)
Alt: Victor Irwin

117 WEST

1. Cody Magoon (Mtn Valley)
2. Will Lundquist (Augusta)
3. Kam Arnold (Oxford Hills)
4. Josh Pomerleau (Sugg)
Alt: ---

117 EAST

1. MacKenzie Kelly (Rockland)
2. Ethan Fitzjurls (Troy Howard)
3. Caitlyn Newbegin (CLAW)
4. Brett Perry (Morse)
Alt: Mike Moody (HAL) 

123 WEST

1. Josh Thornton (Mtn Valley)
2. Kacey McAllister (Oxford Hills)
3. Adam Micheller (Nokomis)
4. Devin Williams (Augusta)
Alt: Katie Mcmanus (Sugg)

123 EAST

1. Phillip McFadden (Troy Howard)
2. Cheyenne Augustine (Medomak)
3. Chris Zak (Camden-Rockport)
4. Nate Davies (Brewer)
Alt: Christopher Luedee (Bath)

129 WEST

1. Taylor Carey (Mtn Valley)
2. Seth Boucher (Sugg)
3. Nick Boravac (Mt Ararat)
4. Michael Hamm (Oak Hill)
Alt: Fred Stearns (Oxford Hills)

129 EAST

1. Brandon Rich (HAL)
2. Justin Philbrook (Troy Howard)
3. Josh Smith (Camden-Rockport)
4. Chad Bolster (CLAW)
Alt: Adam Lynch (Medomak)

135 WEST

1. Robert Sager (Mtn Valley)
2. Ben Sirios (Augusta)
3. Paul Bedard (Oxford Hills)
4. Dan Constantino (Sugg)
Alt: Jared Cielinski (Mt Ararat)

135 EAST

1. Mike Vellaro (Troy Howard)
2. Matt Karnas (Brewer)
3. Chris Powell (Bucksport)
4. Ryan Wahle (CLAW)
Alt: Blake Wilder (Ellsworth)

141 WEST

1. Jon Flanders (Oxford Hills)
2. Zach Greene (Sugg)
3. Tim Godin (Augusta)
4. Christian Durland (Mtn Valley)
Alt: Ben Langely (Monmouth)

141 EAST

1. Kornealius Wood (Troy Howard)
2. Rein Green (HAL)
3. Jason Porter (Medomak)
4. Ryan Graffam (Camden-Rockport)
Alt: Chris Boothby (Brewer)

147 WEST'

1. Taylor Bradley (Mtn Valley)
2. DJ Curtis (Oxford Hills)
3. Carter Weiss (Augusta)
4. Shauana Riordan (Sugg)
Alt: ---

147 EAST

1. Aaron Weiss (Rockland)
2. Aaron Mitchell (Bath)
3. Mike Phillippon (Ellsworth)
4. Chelsea Meade (Brewer)
Alt: Cody Leeman (LA)

155 WEST

1. Keil Yenco (Mt Ararat)
2. Eddie Estes (Mtn Valley)
3. Jake Dowland (Dirigo)
3. Nick Pollard (Oxford Hills)
Alt: ---

155 EAST

1. Sean Marrero (Bath)
2. Codi Hynd (Camden-Rockport)
3. Dylan Bernasky (Troy Howard)
4. ---
Alt: ---

165 WEST

1. Kyle McAllister (Oxford Hills)
2. Kyle Foyt-Bridges (Monmouth)
3. Dustin Boucher (Sugg)
4. Ryan Glover (Mtn Valley)
Alt: Jordan Shufedt (Mt Ararat)

165 EAST

1. Brandon Graffam (Camden-Rockport)
2. Josh Fowler (Ellsworth)
3. Brandon Peaslee (Troy Howard)
4. Jon Gerry (Rockland)
Alt: Kelsey Shorey (Bath)

175 WEST

1. James Hein (Sugg)
2. Myles Chung (Gardiner)
3. Curtis Richmond (Oak Hill)
4. Ryan LaRouche (Monmouth)
Alt: ---

175 EAST

1. Charlie Carver (Rockland)
2. Marcus Eaton (Brewer)
3. Jake Halberg (Camden-Rockport)
4. Patrick Kidder (Ellsworth)
Alt: ---

190 WEST

1. Nicholas Wells (Oak Hill)
2. Josh Allen (Mtn Valley)
3. Dustin Jackson (Gardiner)
4. Caleb Wood (Monmouth)
Alt: ---

190 EAST

1. Zachery Kidney (Bath)
2. Evan Filley (Camden-Rockport)
3. Tyler Fowlie (Rockland)
4. ---
Alt: ---

210 WEST

1. Rashad Lavoie (Mtn Valley)
2. Nick Cody (Oak Hill)
3. Ivan Leet (Mt Ararat)
4. Chris Flannagan (Gardiner)
Alt: ---

210 EAST

1. Rhett Chase (Camden-Rockport)
2. Nick Ramsdell (Rockland)
3. John Brown (Medomak)
4. Aaron Gagnon (Bath)
Alt: ---

240 WEST

1. Tyler Morton (Mtn Valley)
2. Nick Fraser (Augusta)
3. Ryan Morgan (Oak Hill)
4. Chris Fritz (Oxford Hills)
Alt: Mark Dube (Mt Ararat)

240 EAST

1. Taylor Harrison (Camden-Rockport)
2. Robert Gardiner (Rockland)
3. ---
4. ---
Alt: ---

WEST Regionals
@ Nokomis High School
 1. Mtn Valley MS ................ ???.?
East Regionals
@ ?
 1. Troy Howard MS ............... 216.0
 2. Camden-Rockport MS ........... 191.0
 3. HAL .......................... 148.0
 4. Rockland District MS ......... 114.0
 5. Bath MS ......................  91.0
 6. Brewer MS ....................  88.0
 7. Medomak MS ...................  81.0
 8. Central Lincoln Area Wrestling  71.0
 9. Bucksport MS .................  49.0
10. Ellsworth MS .................  35.0
11. Independent (Wiscasset) ......   N/S

Notable: Keith Madore (Oak Hill) came out of the West 4 seed to win the 99 lb class!