Maine High School Wrestling
Three Time State Champions
Updated: 02/22/2024

Kevin Armstrong Dexter
1997  1st  C-125 2000  1st  C-135 2001  DNW 2002  1st  C-145
Kevin didn't wrestle at the states in 2001 because of a near fatal infection.

Bob Baker Hinckley
1966  ? 1967  1st  B-127 1968  1st  A-138 1969  1st  A-138
NE Champion and Outstanding Wrestler @ 136 in 1969

Jacob Berry Camden Hills
2005  Inj  B-125 2006  1st  B-140 2007  1st  B-152 2008  1st  B-145
New Englands: 5th 2007 * 3rd 2008
Jacob was injured after regionals his freshman year and was unable to wrestle at the state meet.

Ethan Boucher Mountain Valley
2014   1st   B-120 2015   1st   B-120 2016   4th   B-132 2017   1st   B-138
New Englands: 3rd 1970

Melvin Box Belfast
1967  4th  B-145 1968  1st  B-145 1969  1st  A-145 1970  1st  A-145
New Englands: 3rd 1970

Randy Briggs Foxcroft
2002  DNP  C-189 2003  1st  C-171 2004  1st  C-171 2005  1st  C-171

Griffin Brickett Wells
2020   1st   B-106 2021 No Wrestling, Covid 2022  1st  B-132 2023  1st  B-138
* Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021! 

Bill Brochu Cony
1991 ? 1992  1st  A-145 1993  1st  A-152 1994  1st  A-152

Roger Brochu Biddeford
1964  2nd  C-95 1965  1st  C-95 1966  1st  C-103 1967  1st  C-120

Glen Brown Belfast
1969  ? 1970  1st  A-98 1971  1st  A-105 1972  1st  A-119

Glen Brown Medomak Valley
1984  4th  A-98 1985  1st  A-105 1986  1st  A-119 1987  1st  A-132

Doug Bruce Noble
1992  ? 1993  1st  A-103 1994  1st  A-112 1995  1st  A-119

Bryan Brunk Bonny Eagle
1991  ? 1992  1st  A-130 1993  1st  A-145 1994  1st  A-145

Marcus Bubar Lisbon
2007  2nd  C-130 2008  1st  C-140 2009  1st  C-145 2010  1st  C-145
New Englands: 5th 2010

Ryan Burgess Mountain Valley
2008  3rd  B-103 2009  1st  B-103 2010  1st  B-103 2011  1st  B-112

Daryl Buttrick Marshwood
1997  1st  B-103 1998  1st  B-112 1999  2nd  B-119 2000  1st  A-119
New Englands: 6th 2000
Daryl lost to Tim Letourneau, 2-time Champion from Winslow, in the 119-lb. Class B finals, his junior year.

Zachary Caron Dexter
2013   2nd   C-126 2014   1st   C-132 2015   1st   C-138 2016   1st   B-145

Scott Carpenter Calais
2008 3rd  C-112 2009 1st  C-119 2010 1st  C-119 2011 1st  C-130

Peyton Cole Ellsworth
2015   1st   B-132 2016   1st   B-138 2017   1st   B-152 2018  ---  B-145
New Englands: 4th 2017 * Didn't make weight at 2018 Regionals.

Sean Cole Dexter
1995 2nd  C-103 1996 1st  C-125 1997 1st  C-135 1998 1st  C-135
Sean lost to Matt Lindsay, 4-time Champion from Penobscot Valley, in the 103-lb. Class C finals, his freshman year.

Derek Cote Noble
2020   1st   A-113 2021   No Wrestling, Covid 2022   1st   A-138 2023   1st   A-152
New Englands: 5th 2022 * 4th 2022
Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021! 

Joshua Cote Noble
2018  1st  A-120 2019  1st  A-126 2020  1st  A-132 2021  No wrestling, Covid
New Englands: 5th 2018 * Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021! 

Tyler Craig Mt Blue/Skowhegan
2012   1st   A-106   Mt Blue 2013   1st   A-113   Skowhegan 2014   1st   A-120   Skowhegan 2015   2nd   A-126   Skowhegan
New Englands: 5th 2013

Allen Crocker Boothbay
1993 1st  C-152 1994 2nd  C-160 1995 1st  C-171 1996 1st  C-171
Allen lost to Dan Severance, of Mattanawcook Academy, in the 160-lb. Class C finals, his sophomore year.

Domingo Cumpion Mt Blue
1987 3rd  A-105 1988 1st  A-112 1989 1st  A-119 1990 1st  A-119

Michael Curtis Wells
2012   4th   B-170 2013   1st   B-170 2014   1st   B-195 2015   1st   B-220
New Englands: 3rd 2015

Dan DelGallo Gardiner
2010   2nd   B-130 2011   1st   B-135 2012   1st   B-138 2013   1st   B-138
New Englands: 2nd 2010 * 2nd 2013 (Should have been Champion) * Dan got screwed by the referee in the finals in 2013.  He outwrestled and manhandled his opponent.  It bothered me so much that I haven't been back to the New Englands since.

Jake Demaris Marshwood
1996  1st  B-103 1997  1st  B-112 1998  2nd  B-119 1999  1st  B-130
Jake lost to Tim Letourneau, 2-time Champion from Winslow, in the 119-lb. Class B finals, his junior year.

Mark DeMauro Kennebunk
1985  ? 1986  1st  B-126 1987  1st  B-126 1988  1st  A-140

Carlin Dubay Caribou
2005  4th  B-103 2006  1st  B-103 2007  1st  B-103 2008  1st  B-103
New Englands: Champion 2008

Josh Eon Massabesic
2005  DNP  A-171 2006  1st  A-171 2007  1st  A-171 2008  1st  A-171
New Englands: 4th 2006 * 2nd 2007 * 2nd 2008 

Roger Flynn Dexter
1965  1st  B-110 1966  3rd  B-120 1967  1st  B-112 1968  1st  B-120

Dan Fox Fryeburg Academy
1989  4th  B-125 1990  1st  B-135 1991  1st  B-135 1992  1st  B-140

Ben Gammell Dirigo
1992  1st  C-103 1993  3rd  C-112 1994  1st  C-125 1995  1st  C-130

Billy Gauthier York
2007 B-112 2008 1st  B-125 2009 1st  B-145 2010 1st  B-135
New Englands: 3rd 2010

Brett Gerry Marshwood
--- 2013   1st   A-182 2014   1st   A-182 2015   1st   A-182

Ethan Gilman Massabesic
2009  3rd  A-112 2010  1st  A-119 2011  1st  A-125 2012  1st  A-126

Derek Giusto Lisbon
2001  2nd  C-103 2002  1st  C-119 2003  1st  C-135 2004  1st  C-135
New Englands: 6th 2004

Norman Gilmore Belfast
2002  3rd  B-119 2003  1st  B-125 2004  1st  B-125 2005  1st  B-130

Tony Gilmore Belfast
2003 1st  B-112 2004  2nd B-119 2005  1st  B-125 2006  1st  B-130
New Englands: 4th 2006

Trent Goodman Ellsworth
--- 2015   1st   B-160 2016   1st   B-160 2017   1st   B-170
New Englands: 3rd 2017

Ben Goulette Morse
1999   Injured 2000  1st  A-140 2001  1st  A-145 2002  1st  A-145
New Englands: 6th 2000 * 5th 2001
Ben was unbeaten as a freshman, before being sidelined with a shoulder injury in the state meet.  He had a career record of 136-3.

Mike Goulette Dexter
1965  ? 1966  1st  B-112 1967  1st  B-120 1968  1st  B-127

Shawn Gross Bucksport
1988  2nd  B-119 1989  1st  B-125 1990  1st  B-125 1991  1st  B-130

Adam Gudroe Dexter
1996  2nd  C-103 1997  1st  C-119 1998  1st  C-125 1999  1st  C-130
Adam lost to Matt Lindsay, 4-time champion from Penobscot Valley, in the 103-lb. Class C finals, his freshman year.

Dave Gudroe Dexter
1973  1st  138 1974  2nd  145 1975  1st  145 1976  1st  155
New Englands: 3rd 1975 * 2nd 1976
All four years that Dave wrestled, there was only one class.

Steve Gudroe Dexter
1969  2nd  B-154 1970  1st  A-165 1971  1st  A-167 1972  1st  A-167

Dusty Hackett Mtn Valley
1993  1st  B-103 1994 2nd  B-112 1995  1st  B-119 1996  1st  B-125
Dusty lost to Dan Lavigne of Kennebunk, in the 112-lb. Class B finals, his sophomore year.

Brandon Hamilton Skowhegan
2000  ? 2001  1st  A-130 2002  1st  A-152 2003  1st  A-160
New Englands: 6th 2003

B.J. Hamm Lisbon
1999  1st  B-103 2000  AE 2001  1st  C-125 2002  1st  C-135
New Englands: 4th 2001
B.J. was 23-0 when he became ineligible his sophomore year.

Corey Harper Penobscot Valley
1991  1st  C-103 1992  1st  C-112 1993  3rd  C-119 1994  1st  C-119

Scott Holton Marshwood
1996   1st   B-215 1997   2nd   B-215 1998   1st   B-215 1999   1st   B215

Pat Howard Marshwood
1999  1st  B-112 2000  4th  A-125 2001  1st  A-125 2002  1st  A-130
New Englands: 5th 2001 * 6th 2002

Jared Jensen Brunswick
2010   2nd   A-119 2011   1st   A-130 2012   1st   A-152 2013   1st   A-170
New Englands: 6th 2012 * 2nd 2013

Andy Kalman Sanford
1995  3rd  A-152 1996  1st  A-189 1997  1st  A-189 1998  1st  A-189

Brycen Kowalsky Mt Ararat / Brunswick
2019  1st  A-113 2020  1st  A-120 2021  No wrestling, Covid 2022  1st  A-126
Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021!
Brycen was 5th at New Englands in 2022.

Colby Lamson Marshwood
2002  4th  A-145 2003  1st  A-145 2004  1st  A-145 2005  1st  A-145

Nate Lavallee Cape Elizabeth
2006  4th  A-215 2007  1st  A-285 2008  1st  A-285 2009  1st  A-285
New Englands: 2nd 2008

Marc LeBlond Oxford Hills
1987  ? 1988  1st  A-130 1989  1st  A-130 1990  1st  A-130

Jon Lettre Cony
2021 (Year of Covid) 2022  1st  A-220 2023  1st  A-285 2024  1st  A-285

Lucas Libby Mtn Valley
2021 (Year of Covid) 2022  1st  B-152 2023  1st  B-152 2024  1st  B-150
New Englands: 4th 2024

Aaron Lint Winslow
--- 2012   1st   C-285 2013   1st   C-285 2014   1st   B-285

Kevin Marriner Belfast
1985  4th  A-Hwt 1986  1st  B-Hwt 1987  1st  B-Hwt 1988  1st  B-275

Mike McNamara Lisbon
2008  3rd  C-125 2009  1st  C-125 2010  1st  C-130 2011  1st  C-135

Richard Michaud Sanford
1961  ? 1962  1st  A-145 1963  1st  A-145 1964  1st  A-154

Brian O'Connor Dexter
2006  3rd  C-103 2007  1st  C-119 2008  1st  C-125 2009  1st  C-130

Adam Paige Dexter
1997  2nd  C-152 1998  1st  C-160 1999  1st  C-160 2000  1st  C-160
Adam lost to Gary Balducci, of Wiscasset, in the 152-lb. Class C finals, his freshman year.

Keith Parent Marshwood
1992  ? 1993  1st  B-112 1994  1st  B-119 1995  1st  B-125

Caleb Pelletier Foxcroft
2002  3rd  C-145 2003  1st  C-145 2004  1st  C-152 2005  1st  C-152

Josh Pelletier Foxcroft
2003  ? 2004  1st C-215 2005  1st C-215 2006  1st C-275
New Englands: 6th 2005 * Champion 2006

Jake Rasque Marshwood
2008  3rd A-103 2009  1st  A-112 2010  1st  A-112 2011  1st  A-119

Gavin Ripley Oceanside
2021 (Year of Covid) 2022  1st  B-126 2023  1st  B-132 2024  1st  B-132
New Englands: 3rd 2024

Wayne Robichaud Lisbon
1966  ? 1967  1st  B-138 1968  1st  B-138 1969  1st  B-138

Levi Rollins Camden Hills
2000  2nd  B-103 2001  1st  B-103 2002  1st  B-125 2003  1st  B-130
New Englands: 5th 2003

David Romilly Wells
1994  3rd  B-152 1995  1st  B-160 1996  1st  B-171 1997  1st  B-171

Josh Ryder Mattanawcook Academy
1993  3rd  C-130 1994  1st  C-135 1995  1st  C-140 1996  1st  C-140

Steve Sabine Skowhegan
1965  ? 1966  1st  B-138 1967  1st  A-145 1968  1st  A-145

Joey Schreiber Lisbon
2000  4th  C-189 2001  1st  C-189 2002  1st  C-189 2003  1st  C-275

Connor Sheehan Fryeburg
2010   2nd   B-103 2011   1st   B-103 2012   1st   B-113 2013   1st   B-113
New Englands: 4th 2012 * Champion 2013

Sean Sheehy Wells
1984 DNP  B-145 1985 1st  B-145 1986 1st  B-155 1987 1st  B-167

Randy Simmons Medomak Valley
1992  ? 1993  1st  B-140 1994  1st  B-145 1995  1st  B-152

Mark Sinclair Mexico
1979  ? 1980  1st  B-105 1981  1st  B-112 1982  1st  B-119

Chris Sirois Penobscot Valley
1993  4th  C-103 1994  1st  C-103 1995  1st  C-112 1996  1st   C-112

Chris Smith Mtn Valley
2002  4th  B-135 2003  1st  B-152 2004  1st  B-171 2005  1st  B-189
New Englands: 6th 2005

Fred Smith Kennebunk
1970  ? 1971  1st  B-Unl 1972  1st  B-Unl 1973  1st  Unl

Jon Smith Dirigo
2005  2nd  C-125 2006  1st  C-135 2007  1st  C-140 2008  1st  C-145
New Englands: 2nd 2008
Jon lost to Charlie Stambach, senior and 2-time Champion, in the finals his freshman year.  Jon's only regular season loss his last three years was a decision to Jon Hussey, a four time champion, in the Wells Atlantic finals his sophomore year.

Rusty Smith Dexter
1969  1st  B-103 1970  2nd  A-107 1971  1st  A-112 1972  1st  A-112
New Englands: 2nd 1971
Rusty lost to Jim Tuttle, another 3-time champion, in the 1970, Class A, 107 finals.  (Rusty defeated Jim in 1971 finals)

Tom Smith Winslow
1960  3rd  115 1961  1st  112 1962  1st  A-120 1963  1st  A-133
New Englands: Champion 1963

Rick Sparkowich Sanford
1958  No Wrestling 1959 1st  138 1960 1st  145 1961 1st  154

Allen Stein Deering
2003 ---  103 2004 1st  103 2005 1st  103 2006 1st  119

Zach Stevens Lisbon
--- 2012   1st   C-120 2013   1st   C-132 2014   1st   C-138

Wesley Stinson Foxcroft Academy
2010   2nd   C-135 2011   1st   C-152 2012   1st   C-145 2013   1st   C-152

Keith St. Laurent Dirigo
1990  1st  C-103 1991  1st  C-112 1992  3rd  C-112 1993  1st  C-125

Landon St. Peter Ellsworth/John Bapst
2018  1st  B-106 2019  1st  B-120 2020  1st B-132 2021  No wrestling, Covid
Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021! 

Jackson Sutherland Mattanawcook Academy/Lee Academy
2019  1st  B-113 2020  1st  B-138 2021  No wrestling, Covid 2022  1st  B-170
Might have been a 4 time State Champion if not for the canceled season in 2021! 
New Englands: 2nd 2022 * Jackson was undefeated in Maine, only losses were at NE's

Aaron Thomas Dexter
1999  2nd  C-140 2000  1st  C-145 2001  1st  C-152 2002  1st  C-152
Aaron lost to T.J. James, from Wiscasset, in the 140-lb. Class C finals, his freshman year.

Irving Thurston Fryeburg Academy
1967  ? 1968  1st  C-127 1969  1st  C-133 1970  1st  B-145

Vanya Tomaszewski Wells
2008  1st  B-112 2009  1st  B-112 2010  1st  B-112 2011  DNW
Vanya could have been a 4-time champion.  He was not allowed to wrestle his senior year as he was over the MPA age limit.

Roy Treadwell Sanford
1967  ? 1968  1st  A-127 1969  1st  A-120 1970  1st  A-130
New Englands: 2nd 1970

Shawn Troy Oxford Hills
1986  ? 1987  1st  A-112 1988  1st  A-125 1989  1st  A-125

Jim Tuttle Sanford
1968  1st  A-95 1969  1st  A-95 1970  1st  A-107 1971  2nd  A-112
New Englands: 4th 1968 * 2nd 1969 * 3rd 1970 * 3rd 1971
Jim lost to Rusty Smith, another 3-time champion, in the 1971, Class A, 112 finals.
(Jim defeated Rusty in 1970 finals)

Matt Waite Dirigo/Mt Blue
1999  DNP  A-160 2000 1st  C-189 2001 1st  A-189 2002 1st  A-215
New Englands: 6th 2001
Matt suffered an eye injury while winning his 1st match at the 2002 New Englands.

Mark Ward Mt. View
2017  4th  B-132 2018  1st  B-138 2019  1st  A-145 2020  1st  A-152
New Englands: 6th 2020

Brent Waterman Belfast
2010   1st   B-119 2011   1st   B-125 2012   1st   B-132 2013   DNW States
New Englands: 2012 Champion
Brent won the B East Regionals with a Tech fall in 2013 but was unable to wrestle at states.   Would have been a 4 time Champion and possibly a 2 time New England Champion ... he was that dominant.

Scott Webber Mt Blue
1999  2nd  A-103 2000  1st  A-112 2001  1st  A-112 2002  1st  A-112
Scott lost to Travis Marquis, 2-time champion from Gardiner, in the 103-lb. Class A finals, his Freshman year, 1999.

Ken Welch Dexter
1995  2nd  C-112 1996  1st  C-119 1997  1st  C-130 1998  1st  C-140
Ken lost to Chris Sirois, 3-time champion from Penobscot Valley, in the 112-lb. Class C finals, his Freshman year, 1995.

Dan Whelan Marshwood
1998 1st  B-103 1999 DNW 2000 1st  A-135 2001 1st  A-140
New Englands: 4th 2000 * 4th 2001
Dan did not wrestle in 1999 because of a broken leg.

Bryce Whittemore Dirigo
2014  2nd   C-132 2015  1st   C-152 2016  1st   B-152 2017  1st   B-160

Josh Woodward Sanford
1989  ? 1990  1st  A-103 1991  1st  A-112 1992  1st  A-119

Norm Wyman Dexter
1964  1st  B-133 1965   1st  B-138 1966  ? 1967  1st  B-154

DNP = Did Not Place DNQ = Did Not Qualify DNW = Did Not Wrestle